OpenBSD中用pkg_info -t显示packages节点
发表于 : 2010-03-17 10:47
pkg_info 不加参数会按照字母顺序显示所有的packages。
pkg_info -t 不显示依赖的packages只显示主程序:在删除packages时用这个 -t 参数会很容易找到不需要和不被其他依赖的packages。
pkg_info -t 不显示依赖的packages只显示主程序:
代码: 全选
[color=Sienna]# pkg_info -t
feh-1.3.4p0 lightweight image viewer
firefox35-3.5.8 redesign of Mozilla's browser component
kqemu-1.3.0pre11p3 QEMU accelerator module
mysql-server-5.1.42 multithreaded SQL database (server)
phpMyAdmin-3.2.4 tool to handle the administration of MySQL over the web
qemu-0.9.1p12 multi system emulator
rox-filer-2.8p3 GTK+-2 file manager with desktop features
roxterm-1.14.2p1 terminal emulator for X
samba-3.0.37p1 SMB and CIFS client and server for UNIX
scim-pinyin-0.5.91p1 scim input method module for pinyin
unzip-5.52p0 extract, list & test files in a ZIP archive
vim-7.2.267-no_x11 vi clone, many additional features[/color]