openbsd pf received-on
发表于 : 2014-06-20 18:02
RDR-TO and NAT-TO Combination
With an additional NAT rule on the internal interface, the lacking source address translation described above can be achieved.
pass in on $int_if proto tcp from $int_net to $ext_if port 80 \
rdr-to $server
pass out on $int_if proto tcp to $server port 80 \
received-on $int_if nat-to $int_if
This will cause the initial packet from the client to be translated again when it's forwarded back through the internal interface, replacing the client's source address with the firewall's internal address. The internal server will reply back to the firewall, which can reverse both NAT and RDR translations when forwarding to the local client. This construct is rather complex as it creates two separate states for each reflected connection. Care must be taken to prevent the NAT rule from applying to other traffic, for instance connections originating from external hosts (through other redirections) or the firewall itself. Note that the rdr-to rule above will cause the TCP/IP stack to see packets arriving on the internal interface with a destination address inside the internal network.
pf faq 中的这几段话想要说明的意思是什么?
received-on 起什么作用?
With an additional NAT rule on the internal interface, the lacking source address translation described above can be achieved.
pass in on $int_if proto tcp from $int_net to $ext_if port 80 \
rdr-to $server
pass out on $int_if proto tcp to $server port 80 \
received-on $int_if nat-to $int_if
This will cause the initial packet from the client to be translated again when it's forwarded back through the internal interface, replacing the client's source address with the firewall's internal address. The internal server will reply back to the firewall, which can reverse both NAT and RDR translations when forwarding to the local client. This construct is rather complex as it creates two separate states for each reflected connection. Care must be taken to prevent the NAT rule from applying to other traffic, for instance connections originating from external hosts (through other redirections) or the firewall itself. Note that the rdr-to rule above will cause the TCP/IP stack to see packets arriving on the internal interface with a destination address inside the internal network.
pf faq 中的这几段话想要说明的意思是什么?
received-on 起什么作用?