# include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("Hello world!");
return 0;
用gcc -o hello hello.c
# include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("Hello world!");
return 0;
用gcc -o hello hello.c
回复: 如何将c源程序在openbsd中编译链接后执行?
chmod u+x hello
sh hello
chmod u+x hello
sh hello
回复: 如何将c源程序在openbsd中编译链接后执行?
回复: 如何将c源程序在openbsd中编译链接后执行?
yuyshfj 兄弟,建议找本 UNIX基础读物 仔细研读,不要说没时间,磨刀不误砍柴功!
可否借 yuyshfj 兄弟的这个贴子 做做教材每章后面的习题呢?大家共勉吧~
可否借 yuyshfj 兄弟的这个贴子 做做教材每章后面的习题呢?大家共勉吧~
勤能補拙 Just do it now!
- 铜 Cu
- 帖子: 236
- 注册时间: 2010-02-03 18:37
Re: 如何将c源程序在openbsd中编译链接后执行?
#include <stdio.h>
int a,b,c;
scanf ("%d,%d",&a,&b);
c=max (a,b);
printf ("max=%d",c);
#gcc ma.c -o ma
# gcc ma.c -o ma
/tmp//ccJvOK3L.o(.text+0x39): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `max'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
上面这个文件 openbsd 里面 gcc ma.c -o ma -lmath
提示找不到 math.h
可是我发现在 openbsd 的 /usr/include/ 目录下面有 math.h ,请问是何原因?
#include <stdio.h>
int a,b,c;
scanf ("%d,%d",&a,&b);
c=max (a,b);
printf ("max=%d",c);
#gcc ma.c -o ma
# gcc ma.c -o ma
/tmp//ccJvOK3L.o(.text+0x39): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `max'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
上面这个文件 openbsd 里面 gcc ma.c -o ma -lmath
提示找不到 math.h
可是我发现在 openbsd 的 /usr/include/ 目录下面有 math.h ,请问是何原因?
- 铜 Cu
- 帖子: 236
- 注册时间: 2010-02-03 18:37
Re: 如何将c源程序在openbsd中编译链接后执行?
gcc ma.c /usr/lib/libm.a -o ma
回复: Re: 如何将c源程序在openbsd中编译链接后执行?
#include <math.h> 不行吗?junfengfan 写了:gcc ma.c /usr/lib/libm.a -o ma
勤能補拙 Just do it now!
- 铜 Cu
- 帖子: 236
- 注册时间: 2010-02-03 18:37
Re: 回复: Re: 如何将c源程序在openbsd中编译链接后执行?
不行,一直出错,说 max 或者 sqrt 没有定义,为何这样做我不知道为什么。unreal 写了:#include <math.h> 不行吗?
回复: 如何将c源程序在openbsd中编译链接后执行?
刚才在我机器上试了,cc ma.c /usr/lib/libm.a -o ma 任然报 max 是未定义引用。而且 我看了/usr/include/math.h 里面根本没有定义 max(),最接近的只有 fmax(void)。
勤能補拙 Just do it now!
- 铜 Cu
- 帖子: 236
- 注册时间: 2010-02-03 18:37
回复: 如何将c源程序在openbsd中编译链接后执行?
对,max 没有定义,但sqrt sin cos等可以用!unreal 写了:刚才在我机器上试了,cc ma.c /usr/lib/libm.a -o ma 任然报 max 是未定义引用。而且 我看了/usr/include/math.h 里面根本没有定义 max(),最接近的只有 fmax(void)。
回复: 如何将c源程序在openbsd中编译链接后执行?
这是我用的教材 http://www.hzbook.com/Books/2334.html 书中使用自有的头文件和库,但是居然编译不过去。请列位兄台指教~
无耐只得改用C自己的 scanf() 才编译通过。
这是我用的教材 http://www.hzbook.com/Books/2334.html 书中使用自有的头文件和库,但是居然编译不过去。请列位兄台指教~
代码: 全选
* File: add2.c
* ------------
* This program reads in two numbers, adds them together,
* and prints their sum.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "genlib.h"
#include "simpio.h"
int n1, n2, total;
printf("This program adds two numbers.\n");
printf("1st number? ");
n1 = GetInteger();
printf("2nd number? ");
n2 = GetInteger();
total = n1 + n2;
printf("The total is %d.\n", total);
代码: 全选
/tmp//ccQV165R.o(.text+0x40): In function ‘main’:
: undefined reference to ‘GetInteger’
/tmp//ccQV165R.o(.text+0x44): In function ‘main’:
: undefined reference to ‘GetInteger’
/tmp//ccQV165R.o(.text+0x60): In function ‘main’:
: undefined reference to ‘GetInteger’
/tmp//ccQV165R.o(.text+0x64): In function ‘main’:
: undefined reference to ‘GetInteger’
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
代码: 全选
* File: add2.c
* ------------
* This program reads in two numbers, adds them together,
* and prints their sum.
#include <stdio.h>
int n1, n2, total;
printf("This program adds two numbers.\n");
printf("1st number? ");
printf("2nd number? ");
total = n1 + n2;
printf("The total is %d.\n", total);
勤能補拙 Just do it now!
回复: 如何将c源程序在openbsd中编译链接后执行?
代码: 全选
* File: genlib.h
* Version: 1.0
* Last modified on Sun Jul 24 10:32:49 1994 by eroberts
* -----------------------------------------------------
* This file contains several definitions that form the
* core of a general-purpose ANSI C library developed by Eric
* Roberts. The goal of this library is to provide a basic
* set of tools and conventions that increase the readability
* of C programs, particularly as they are used in a teaching
* environment.
* The basic definitions provided by genlib.h are:
* 1. Declarations for several new "primitive" types
* (most importantly bool and string) that are
* used throughout the other libraries and
* applications as fundamental types.
* 2. A new set of functions for memory allocation.
* 3. A function for error handling.
* 4. A repeat statement for loops with interior exits.
#ifndef _genlib_h
#define _genlib_h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
/* Section 1 -- Define new "primitive" types */
* Type: bool
* ----------
* This type has two values, FALSE and TRUE, which are equal to 0
* and 1, respectively. Most of the advantage of defining this type
* comes from readability because it allows the programmer to
* provide documentation that a variable will take on only one of
* these two values. Designing a portable representation, however,
* is surprisingly hard, because many libraries and some compilers
* define these names. The definitions are usually compatible but
* may still be flagged as errors.
#ifdef THINK_C
typedef int bool;
# ifdef TRUE
# ifndef bool
# define bool int
# endif
# else
# ifdef bool
# define FALSE 0
# define TRUE 1
# else
typedef enum {FALSE, TRUE} bool;
# endif
# endif
* Type: string
* ------------
* The type string is identical to the type char *, which is
* traditionally used in C programs. The main point of defining a
* new type is to improve program readability. At the abstraction
* levels at which the type string is used, it is usually not
* important to take the string apart into its component characters.
* Declaring it as a string emphasizes this atomicity.
typedef char *string;
* Type: stream
* ------------
* Like string, the stream type is used to provide additional
* readability and is defined to be equivalent to FILE *
* (which is particularly confusing because it violates
* standard case conventions). This type is not used in
* the text but is preserved in genlib.h, so it is possible
* to teach all of CS1 without exposing any pointers.
typedef FILE *stream;
* Constant: UNDEFINED
* -------------------
* Besides NULL, the only other constant of pointer type is
* UNDEFINED, which is used in certain packages as a special
* sentinel to indicate an undefined pointer value. In many
* such contexts, NULL is a legitimate data value and is
* therefore inappropriate as a sentinel.
#define UNDEFINED ((void *) undefined_object)
extern char undefined_object[];
/* Section 2 -- Memory allocation */
* General notes:
* --------------
* These functions provide a common interface for memory
* allocation. All functions in the library that allocate
* memory do so using GetBlock and FreeBlock. Even though
* the ANSI standard defines malloc and free for the same
* purpose, using GetBlock and FreeBlock provides greater
* compatibility with non-ANSI implementations, automatic
* out-of-memory error detection, and the possibility of
* substituting a garbage-collecting allocator.
* Function: GetBlock
* Usage: ptr = (type) GetBlock(nbytes);
* -------------------------------------
* GetBlock allocates a block of memory of the given size. If
* no memory is available, GetBlock generates an error.
void *GetBlock(size_t nbytes);
* Function: FreeBlock
* Usage: FreeBlock(ptr);
* ----------------------
* FreeBlock frees the memory associated with ptr, which must
* have been allocated using GetBlock, New, or NewArray.
void FreeBlock(void *ptr);
* Macro: New
* Usage: p = New(pointer-type);
* -----------------------------
* The New pseudofunction allocates enough space to hold an
* object of the type to which pointer-type points and returns
* a pointer to the newly allocated pointer. Note that
* "New" is different from the "new" operator used in C++;
* the former takes a pointer type and the latter takes the
* target type.
#define New(type) ((type) GetBlock(sizeof *((type) NULL)))
* Macro: NewArray
* Usage: p = NewArray(n, element-type);
* -------------------------------------
* NewArray allocates enough space to hold an array of n
* values of the specified element type.
#define NewArray(n, type) ((type *) GetBlock((n) * sizeof (type)))
/* Section 3 -- Basic error handling */
* Function: Error
* Usage: Error(msg, ...)
* ----------------------
* Error generates an error string, expanding % constructions
* appearing in the error message string just as printf does.
* If an error handler exception has been introduced (see the
* "exception.h" facility), the ErrorException exception is
* raised with the expanded error string as argument. If
* there is no ErrorException defined, the program exits
* with a status code indicating failure (as given by the
* constant ErrorExitStatus). The length of the error
* message string following expansion must not exceed
* MaxErrorMessage, and it is the client's responsibility
* to ensure this.
void Error(string msg, ...);
/* Section 4 -- The repeat pseudo-statement */
* Statement form: repeat { ... }
* ------------------------------
* Some instructors who have taught CS1 using this library
* have found that using
* while (TRUE)
* to initiate a loop with an interior exit is confusing to
* students, particularly when it comes at the beginning of
* the course. This macro defines "repeat" as an infinite
* loop construct for instructors who find it easier to
* explain, although it is not used in the text. Similar
* macro definitions are common in industry.
#define repeat for (;;)
代码: 全选
* File: genlib.c
* Version: 1.0
* Last modified on Sun Jul 24 10:29:46 1994 by eroberts
* -----------------------------------------------------
* This file implements the general C library package. See the
* interface description in genlib.h for details.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "genlib.h"
#include "gcalloc.h"
#include "exception.h"
* Constants:
* ----------
* ErrorExitStatus -- Status value used in exit call
* MaxErrorMessage -- Longest error message allowed
#define ErrorExitStatus 1
#define MaxErrorMessage 500
/* Section 1 -- Define new "primitive" types */
* Constant: UNDEFINED
* -------------------
* This entry defines the target of the UNDEFINED constant.
char undefined_object[] = "UNDEFINED";
/* Section 2 -- Memory allocation */
* Implementation notes:
* ---------------------
* The code for the memory allocator is divided between
* genlib.c and gcalloc.c, and the division strategy may at
* first seem unnatural, since the function ProtectBlock is
* declared in gcalloc.h but defined here in genlib.c. The
* intention is to minimize the size of object files
* produced by linkers that search a library for modules
* that are actually referenced. The libraries themselves
* need to call ProtectBlock (usually through the macro
* ProtectVariable), but will not require the actual code
* for the allocator unless InitGCAllocator is explicitly
* called.
* Global variable: _acb
* ---------------------
* This variable is used to hold a method suite that makes it
* easy to substitute a garbage-collecting allocator for the
* ANSI allocator.
_GCControlBlock _acb = NULL;
/* Memory allocation implementation */
void *GetBlock(size_t nbytes)
void *result;
if (_acb == NULL) {
result = malloc(nbytes);
} else {
result = _acb->allocMethod(nbytes);
if (result == NULL) Error("No memory available");
return (result);
void FreeBlock(void *ptr)
if (_acb == NULL) {
} else {
void ProtectBlock(void *ptr, size_t nbytes)
if (_acb != NULL) _acb->protectMethod(ptr, nbytes);
/* Section 3 -- Basic error handling */
* Implementation notes: Error
* ---------------------------
* Writing the Error function requires some care, since it is
* called in circumstances in which parts of the system may be
* broken. In particular, it is not acceptable for Error to
* call GetBlock, since the error condition may be that the
* system is out of memory, in which case calling GetBlock would
* fail. The error string should be allocated dynamically,
* so that this function can be used in reentrant code.
* Note that it is critical to exit if the length bound for
* an error message is exceeded, since this error almost
* certainly corrupts the stack.
void Error(string msg, ...)
va_list args;
char errbuf[MaxErrorMessage + 1];
string errmsg;
int errlen;
va_start(args, msg);
vsprintf(errbuf, msg, args);
errlen = strlen(errbuf);
if (errlen > MaxErrorMessage) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Error Message too long\n");
if (_acb == NULL) {
errmsg = malloc(errlen + 1);
} else {
errmsg = _acb->allocMethod(errlen + 1);
if (errmsg == NULL) {
errmsg = "No memory available";
} else {
strcpy(errmsg, errbuf);
if (HandlerExists(&ErrorException)) {
RaiseException(&ErrorException, "ErrorException", errmsg);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", errmsg);
勤能補拙 Just do it now!
回复: 如何将c源程序在openbsd中编译链接后执行?
代码: 全选
* File: simpio.h
* Version: 1.0
* Last modified on Wed Apr 27 07:29:13 1994 by eroberts
* -----------------------------------------------------
* This interface provides access to a simple package of
* functions that simplify the reading of input data.
#ifndef _simpio_h
#define _simpio_h
#include "genlib.h"
* Function: GetInteger
* Usage: i = GetInteger();
* ------------------------
* GetInteger reads a line of text from standard input and scans
* it as an integer. The integer value is returned. If an
* integer cannot be scanned or if more characters follow the
* number, the user is given a chance to retry.
int GetInteger(void);
* Function: GetLong
* Usage: l = GetLong();
* ---------------------
* GetLong reads a line of text from standard input and scans
* it as a long integer. The value is returned as a long.
* If an integer cannot be scanned or if more characters follow
* the number, the user is given a chance to retry.
long GetLong(void);
* Function: GetReal
* Usage: x = GetReal();
* ---------------------
* GetReal reads a line of text from standard input and scans
* it as a double. If the number cannot be scanned or if extra
* characters follow after the number ends, the user is given
* a chance to reenter the value.
double GetReal(void);
* Function: GetLine
* Usage: s = GetLine();
* ---------------------
* GetLine reads a line of text from standard input and returns
* the line as a string. The newline character that terminates
* the input is not stored as part of the string.
string GetLine(void);
* Function: ReadLine
* Usage: s = ReadLine(infile);
* ----------------------------
* ReadLine reads a line of text from the input file and
* returns the line as a string. The newline character
* that terminates the input is not stored as part of the
* string. The ReadLine function returns NULL if infile
* is at the end-of-file position.
string ReadLine(FILE *infile);
代码: 全选
* File: simpio.c
* Version: 3.0
* Last modified on Tue Oct 4 11:24:40 1994 by eroberts
* -----------------------------------------------------
* This file implements the simpio.h interface.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "genlib.h"
#include "strlib.h"
#include "simpio.h"
* Constants:
* ----------
* InitialBufferSize -- Initial buffer size for ReadLine
#define InitialBufferSize 120
/* Exported entries */
* Functions: GetInteger, GetLong, GetReal
* ---------------------------------------
* These functions first read a line and then call sscanf to
* translate the number. Reading an entire line is essential to
* good error recovery, because the characters after the point of
* error would otherwise remain in the input buffer and confuse
* subsequent input operations. The sscanf line allows white space
* before and after the number but no other extraneous characters.
int GetInteger(void)
string line;
int value;
char termch;
while (TRUE) {
line = GetLine();
if (line == NULL) Error("GetInteger: unexpected end of file");
switch (sscanf(line, " %d %c", &value, &termch)) {
case 1:
return (value);
case 2:
printf("Unexpected character: '%c'\n", termch);
printf("Please enter an integer\n");
printf("Retry: ");
long GetLong(void)
string line;
long value;
char termch;
while (TRUE) {
line = GetLine();
if (line == NULL) Error("GetLong: unexpected end of file");
switch (sscanf(line, " %ld %c", &value, &termch)) {
case 1:
return (value);
case 2:
printf("Unexpected character: '%c'\n", termch);
printf("Please enter an integer\n");
printf("Retry: ");
double GetReal(void)
string line;
double value;
char termch;
while (TRUE) {
line = GetLine();
if (line == NULL) Error("GetReal: unexpected end of file");
switch (sscanf(line, " %lf %c", &value, &termch)) {
case 1:
return (value);
case 2:
printf("Unexpected character: '%c'\n", termch);
printf("Please enter a real number\n");
printf("Retry: ");
* Function: GetLine
* -----------------
* This function is a simple wrapper; all the work is done by
* ReadLine.
string GetLine(void)
return (ReadLine(stdin));
* Function: ReadLine
* ------------------
* This function operates by reading characters from the file
* into a dynamically allocated buffer. If the buffer becomes
* full before the end of the line is reached, a new buffer
* twice the size of the previous one is allocated.
string ReadLine(FILE *infile)
string line, nline;
int n, ch, size;
n = 0;
size = InitialBufferSize;
line = GetBlock(size + 1);
while ((ch = getc(infile)) != '\n' && ch != EOF) {
if (n == size) {
size *= 2;
nline = (string) GetBlock(size + 1);
strncpy(nline, line, n);
line = nline;
line[n++] = ch;
if (n == 0 && ch == EOF) {
return (NULL);
line[n] = '\0';
nline = (string) GetBlock(n + 1);
strcpy(nline, line);
return (nline);
勤能補拙 Just do it now!
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