以下摘自《Nginx Http Server》里的作者简介
Clément Nedelcu was born and raised in France, and studied in U.K., French, and Chinese universities. He is now a computer science teacher at Jiangsu University of Science and Technology in Zhenjiang, a southwestern city of China. He also works as technology consultant in France, specialized in web and Microsoft .NET development as well as Linux server administration. Since 2005, he has been administering a major network of websites in his spare time. This eventually led him to discover Nginx: it made such a difference that he started his own blog about it. One thing leading to another…
The author's blog can be visited at http://cnedelcu.net and contains articles about Nginx and other web development topics.
没想到《Nginx Http Server》的作者目前居然在中国江苏镇江教计算机科学
版主: wkx9dragon
回复: 没想到《Nginx Http Server》的作者目前居然在中国江苏镇江教计算机科学
那俺就无耻滴坐等 acheng兄公布学习成果了~
那俺就无耻滴坐等 acheng兄公布学习成果了~
勤能補拙 Just do it now!
回复: 没想到《Nginx Http Server》的作者目前居然在中国江苏镇江教计算机科学
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