... 2010Q2/All
版主: lionux
历经9小时43分终于编译完了,居然还没有出错,对pkgsrc增添了不少信心, 不过看来我的Q6600也逐渐老迈了,但是编译时只有一个核是100%占用,剩下的几个基本上全是100%空闲,也许是我不会让编译器利用多核CPU,否则GCC还需要在多核优化上下功夫:
代码: 全选
digest-20080510 Message digest wrapper utility
f2c-20090411nb5 Fortran to C compiler including a script to emulate f77
libtool-base-2.2.6bnb4 Generic shared library support script (the script itself)
ncurses-5.7nb4 CRT screen handling and optimization package
mg-20090107 Small, fast, public domain EMACS style editor
gmake-3.82nb1 GNU version of 'make' utility
sqlite3-3.7.2 SQL Database Engine in a C Library
pkgin- Apt / yum like tool for managing pkgsrc binary packages
osabi-NetBSD-5.99.39 Operating System version dummy-package
x11-links-0.60 Shadow tree of links to native X11 headers and libraries
perl-5.12.2 Practical Extraction and Report Language
p5-XML-Parser-2.36nb2 Perl extension interface to James Clark's XML parser, expat
intltool-0.40.6 Toolbox for internationalisation
pkg-config-0.23nb1 System for managing library compile/link flags
readline-6.1 GNU library that can recall and edit previous input
libffi-3.0.9 Foreign function interface
python26-2.6.6nb1 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
pcre-8.10 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
glib2-2.24.2 Some useful routines for C programming (glib2)
py-gobject-shared-2.20.0 Python bindings for glib2 gobject
py26-gobject-2.20.0 Python bindings for glib2 gobject
hicolor-icon-theme-0.12 Standard icon theme called hicolor
desktop-file-utils-0.15 Utilities to manage desktop entries
gnome-menus-2.30.2 Implementation of the desktop menu specification for GNOME
py26-gnome-menus-2.30.2 Python bindings for gnome-menus
m4-1.4.15 GNU version of UNIX m4 macro language processor
bison-2.4.3 GNU yacc(1) replacement
libIDL-0.8.14 CORBA Interface Definition Language parser
ORBit2-2.14.18 High-performance CORBA ORB with C language support
dbus- Message bus system
dbus-glib-0.88 GLib bindings for the D-BUS message bus system
xmlcatmgr-2.2nb1 XML and SGML catalog manager
libxml2-2.7.7 XML parser library from the GNOME project
GConf-2.28.1 Configuration database system used by GNOME
popt-1.16 Command line option parsing library
libbonobo-2.24.3 GNOME2 Object activation framework library
atk-1.30.0 Set of interfaces for accessibility
bash-4.1nb1 The GNU Bourne Again Shell
py26-expat-0nb4 Python interface to expat
shared-mime-info-0.71 Core database of common types
p5-gettext-1.05nb4 Perl5 module interface to C I18N functions
help2man-1.38.2nb1 Generate simple manual pages from program output
png-1.4.3 Library for manipulating PNG images
cairo-1.10.0nb1 Vector graphics library with cross-device output support
pango-1.28.1nb2 Library for layout and rendering of text
jpeg-8b IJG's jpeg compression utilities
tiff-3.9.4nb1 Library and tools for reading and writing TIFF data files
gtk2+-2.20.1nb2 GIMP Toolkit v2 - libraries for building X11 user interfaces
libglade-2.6.4nb3 Runtime interpreter for GLADE GUI files
lzo-2.03 Portable lossless data compression library
libcfg+-0.6.2nb3 Command line and configuration file parsing library
libgpg-error-1.9 Definitions of common error values for all GnuPG components
libgcrypt-1.4.6 GNU cryptographic library
libtasn1-2.7 ASN.1 structure parser library
gnutls-2.10.1 GNU Transport Layer Security library
fam-2.7.0nb9 File Alteration Monitor
autoconf-2.67 Generates automatic source code configuration scripts
automake-1.11.1 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
gawk-3.1.7 GNU awk
libvolume_id-0.81.1 Library to provide file system type information
pciids-20091229 Repository of PCI IDs (pci.ids database)
usbids-20081118 Repository of USB IDs (usb.ids database)
libxslt-1.1.26 XSLT parser library from the GNOME project
docbook-xml-4.5 XML DTD designed for computer documentation
docbook-xsl-1.75.2 Docbook XSL modular stylesheet
policykit-0.9nb7 Framework for managing admin policies and privileges
hal-info-20091130 FreeDesktop hardware abstraction layer (info subpackage)
hal-0.5.11nb27 FreeDesktop hardware abstraction layer
gnome-vfs-2.24.3nb2 GNOME Virtual File System (v2)
libgnome-2.30.0nb2 Core GNOME2 library (non-graphical)
libart-2.3.21 High-performance 2D graphics library
libgnomecanvas-2.30.1nb2 GNOME Canvas library
libbonoboui-2.24.3nb2 GNOME2 Object activation framework library (graphical version)
py26-libxml2-2.7.7 Python wrapper for libxml2
py26-libxslt-1.1.26 Python wrapper for libxslt
scrollkeeper-dtd-1.0 DTD from the Scrollkeeper package
getopt-1.1.4 Program to help shell scripts parse command-line parameters
eggdbus-0.6 GObject bindings for DBus
rarian-0.8.1 Documentation metadata library
gnome-doc-utils-0.20.1 Documentation utilities for the GNOME project
gtk-doc-1.15 Tools for authors of the GTK+ reference documentation
libgnome-keyring-2.30.1 GNOME password and secret manager
libgnomeui-2.24.3nb2 Core GNOME2 graphical libraries
py26-ORBit-2.24.0 Python bindings for ORBit2
py26-cairo-1.8.8nb3 Python bindings for cairo
libf2c-20090201nb3 f2c Fortran support library
blas-1.1nb2 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (Fortran)
lapack-3.1.1nb4 Linear Algebra PACKage
py26-numpy-1.4.1 Array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects
py26-gtk2-2.16.0nb2 Python bindings for GTK+2
py26-gnome2-2.28.1nb2 Python binding for GNOME2
alacarte-0.13.1nb1 Menu editor for the GNOME desktop
gnome-common-2.28.0 Generic M4 macros for GNOME development
orc-0.4.6 Compiler for vector operations
flex-2.5.35nb1 Fast clone of lex(1), the lexical scanner generator
gstreamer0.10-0.10.30 Open source multimedia framework
gperf-3.0.4 GNU perfect hash function generator
gst-plugins0.10-base-0.10.30 Open source multimedia framework - base plugins
libltdl-2.2.6b Generic shared library support (libltdl abstraction library)
libogg-1.2.0 Ogg project codecs library
libvorbis-1.3.1 Library for the Ogg Vorbis audio encoding format
libcanberra-0.22nb3 Desktop event sound library
libnotify-0.4.5nb3 Desktop notification framework
gmime24-2.4.18 Library for the creation and parsing of MIME messages
libproxy-0.3.0 Library that provides automatic proxy configuration management
libsoup24-2.30.2 HTTP library implementation in C
totem-pl-parser-2.30.2nb1 totem playlist parser
libunique-1.1.6nb2 Library for writing single instance applications
brasero-2.30.2nb2 Disc-burning software for the GNOME desktop
libgweather-2.30.2nb1 Weather information access library
autoconf213-2.13nb1 Generates automatic source code configuration scripts (old version)
nspr- Platform-neutral API for system level and libc like functions
nss- Libraries to support development of security-enabled applications
zonetab-0 file
libical-0.44 Reference implementation of the iCalendar data type and format
db4-4.8.30 Berkeley DB version 4 from Oracle
evolution-data-server-2.30.3nb1 Evolution data server
libelf-0.8.13 ELF object file access library
gdbm-1.8.3nb1 The GNU database manager
gettext-m4-0.14.6 Autoconf/automake m4 files for GNU NLS library
startup-notification-0.10 X11 application startup notification library
gnome-desktop-2.30.2nb1 Common GNOME2 desktop files and libgnome-desktop library
iso-codes-3.11.1 List of country, language and currency names
libxklavier-5.0 High-level API for the X Keyboard Extension (XKB)
libgnomekbd-2.30.2nb1 Gnome keyboard configuration library
gnome-settings-daemon-2.30.2nb1 GNOME settings daemon
libgtop-2.28.1 Library to retrieve system information, used in GNOME2
bug-buddy-2.26.0nb4 Graphical GNOME2 bug reporting tool
libtheora-1.1.1nb1 Video codec for Ogg multimedia streaming
gst-plugins0.10-theora-0.10.30 Open source multimedia framework - theora plugin
gst-plugins0.10-ogg-0.10.30 Open source multimedia framework - ogg plugin
gst-plugins0.10-vorbis-0.10.30 Open source multimedia framework - vorbis plugin
gst-plugins0.10-good-0.10.25 Open source multimedia framework - good plugins
gst-plugins0.10-v4l2-0.10.25 Open source multimedia framework - v4l2 plugin
libgsf-1.14.18 GNOME2 structured file library
libcroco-0.6.2 Toolkit to parse and manipulate CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
librsvg-2.26.3nb2 SVG library for GNOME2
cheese-2.26.3nb4 Use your webcam to take photos and videos
gnome-speech-0.4.25 GNOME 2 text-to-speech API
at-spi-1.30.1nb2 Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
libwnck-2.30.3nb1 Library to write pagers and tasklists
dasher-4.10.1nb4 Easy typing without using keyboard
GConf-ui-2.28.1nb2 Configuration database system used by GNOME
gnome-media-2.28.5nb3 Set of audio/multimedia applications for GNOME2
p5-XML-NamespaceSupport-1.11nb1 Perl module to the SAX2 NamespaceSupport class
p5-XML-SAX-0.96nb5 Perl interface to the SAX2 XML Parser
p5-Storable-2.21nb1 Perl extension module for persistent data storage
p5-Test-Simple-0.96nb1 Perl5 module with a simple framework for writing tests
libpaper-1.1.24 Paper size handling library
p5-XML-Simple-2.18nb2 Easy Perl API to read/write XML
icon-naming-utils-0.8.90 Adapts GNOME and KDE icon names to the Icon Naming Specification
gnome-icon-theme-2.30.3nb2 Theme consisting of a set of icons for GNOME
ghostscript-fonts-8.11nb3 Postscript fonts for Aladdin Ghostscript
ghostscript-8.71nb4 Postscript interpreter
libspectre-0.2.6 Small library for rendering Postscript documents
lcms-1.19 Little Color Management System -- a color management library
poppler-0.14.2 PDF rendering library
poppler-glib-0.14.2nb1 PDF rendering library (GLib wrapper)
evince-2.30.3nb3 Document viewer
libgnomeprint-2.18.6nb5 Library for the GNOME2 Printing Architecture
libgnomeprintui-2.18.4nb5 Graphical library for the GNOME2 Printing Architecture
gnome-panel-2.30.2nb2 GNOME2 panel application
gtksourceview-1.8.5nb5 Text widget that extends GTK2's GtkTextView widget
py26-gnome2-desktop-2.30.2nb4 Python modules for the GNOME desktop
py26-docutils-0.6 Python tool to generate documents
py26-pyrex-0.9.9 Language for Writing Python Extension Modules
py26-dbus-0.83.1 Python bindings for the D-BUS message bus system
deskbar-applet-2.30.1nb1 Omnipresent, versatile search interface for the GNOME Desktop
telepathy-glib-0.11.11 GObject-based C binding for the Telepathy D-Bus API
py26-gstreamer0.10-0.10.19 Python bindings for gstreamer0.10
gssdp-0.7.2nb2 SSDP library
gupnp-0.13.3nb1 Framework for UPnP devices
gupnp-igd-0.1.7 Library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping
libnice-0.0.13 IETF's draft Interactice Connectivity Establishment standard implementation
farsight2-0.0.21nb1 Audio/video communications framework
telepathy-farsight-0.0.14nb1 Library for the telepathy part of a voice/video call
hunspell-en_US-20060207 US American English dictionaries for hunspell
hunspell-1.2.8 Improved spellchecker
enchant-1.6.0 Generic spell checking library
empathy-2.30.2nb1 Gnome instant messenger client
exempi-2.0.0 XMP library
libexif-0.6.19 EXIF file library
eog-2.30.2nb1 Eye of GNOME: an image viewing and cataloging program
icu-4.2.1 Robust and full-featured Unicode services
webkit-gtk-1.2.4nb1 GTK2 port of the WebKit browser engine
epiphany-2.30.5nb1 The web browser for the GNOME Desktop
gtkhtml314-3.30.3nb1 Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
evolution-2.30.3nb1 GNOME mailer, calendar, contact manager, and communications tool
evolution-exchange-2.30.2nb1 Support for Microsoft Exchange 2000 and 2003 in Evolution
evolution-webcal-2.28.1nb1 GNOME URL handler for web-published iCal calendar files
gtar-base-1.23 The GNU tape archiver with remote magnetic tape support
unzip-6.0 List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
zip-3.0nb2 Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzip
file-roller-2.30.2nb1 Front-end to archiving programs like tar and zip
gcalctool-5.30.2nb1 Desktop calculator for GNOME
gconf-editor-2.30.0nb1 Editor for the GConf configuration system
zenity-2.30.0nb1 Display GNOME dialogs from the command line
consolekit-0.3.0nb4 Framework for defining and tracking users, login sessions, and seats
gdm-2.20.10nb5 Gnome Display Manager - a re-implementation of the xdm program
gtksourceview2-2.10.4nb1 Text widget that extends GTK2's GtkTextView widget
gedit-2.30.3nb1 Lightweight GNOME2 text editor
policykit-gnome-0.9.2nb3 GNOME dialogs for PolicyKit
gucharmap-2.30.3nb1 Unicode/ISO10646 character map and font viewer
nautilus-2.30.1nb1 Nautilus file manager for GNOME2
metacity-2.30.1nb1 GNOME-compliant window manager
gnome-control-center-2.30.1nb2 GNOME2 configuration utility
gnome-applets-2.30.0nb1 GNOME2 panel applets
gnome-backgrounds-2.30.0 Set of background images for the GNOME Desktop
mono-2.6.7 Open source implementation of the .NET Development Framework
gtk-sharp-2.12.10nb2 C# bindings for GTK
gnome-sharp-2.24.1nb8 C# bindings for the GNOME platform
vte-0.24.3nb1 Terminal widget with improved accessibility and I18N support
gnome-desktop-sharp-2.26.0nb13 C# bindings for the GNOME platform, Desktop part
MesaLib-7.4.4nb3 Graphics library similar to SGI's OpenGL
json-glib-0.10.4 JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
clutter-1.2.12nb1 Open GL based interactive canvas library
clutter-gtk-0.10.6nb1 GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
gmp-5.0.1 Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
guile-1.8.7nb3 GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
gnome-games-2.30.2nb1 GNOME2 games collection
gnome-keyring-2.30.3nb1 GNOME password and secret manager
gnome-mag-0.16.1nb2 GNOME screen magnifier
gnome-netstatus-2.26.0nb4 Network status applet for the GNOME panel
gnome-nettool-2.26.2nb3 GNOME interface for various network tools
xmlto-0.0.21nb1 Tool to help transform XML documents into other formats
gnome-power-manager-2.24.4nb4 GNOME desktop session daemon for managing power management
gnome-screensaver-2.30.0nb2 Screen saver and locker for the GNOME desktop
gnome-session-2.26.2nb5 GNOME2 session management utilities
bsdtar-2.8.4 Fast multi-format tape archiver
libsigc++-2.2.8 Type-safe callback system for C++ programs
glibmm-2.24.2 C++ bindings for glib
cairomm-1.8.4nb2 C++ API for cairo
pangomm-2.26.2nb2 C++ bindings for pangomm
gtkmm-2.20.3nb3 C++ interface to Gtk+ v2
gnome-system-monitor-2.28.1nb1 GNOME 2 system monitor program
p5-XML-Twig-3.35nb1 Efficient XML document interface
p5-Net-DBus-0.33.6nb1 Perl extension for the DBus message system
p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.030nb2 Perl5 module interface to the zlib compression library
p5-Compress-Raw-Bzip2-2.030nb1 Perl5 low-level interface to bzip2 compression library
p5-IO-Compress-2.030nb1 IO Interface to compressed data files/buffers
p5-Crypt-SSLeay-0.58 Crypt::SSLeay - OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20nb2 Perl5 module of data tables useful in parsing HTML
p5-Business-ISBN-Data-20081208nb1 Data for the p5-Business-ISBN package
p5-Business-ISBN-2.05nb1 Perl5 module to work with International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs)
p5-URI-1.55 Perl5 Uniform Resource Identifiers class (URI, RFC 2396)
p5-HTML-Parser-3.68 Perl5 module to parse HTML text documents
p5-Socket6-0.23nb1 Perl5 module to support getaddrinfo() and getnameinfo()
p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.65nb1 Perl object interface for AF_INET|AF_INET6 domain sockets
libidn-1.19 Internationalized Domain Names command line tool
p5-Net-LibIDN-0.12nb1 Perl bindings for GNU Libidn
p5-Test-Warn-0.22 Perl extension to test methods for warnings
p5-Sub-Uplevel-0.2200nb1 Apparently run a function in a higher stack frame
p5-Test-Exception-0.29nb2 Test exception based code
p5-Tree-DAG_Node-1.06nb2 Class for representing nodes in a tree
p5-Net-SSLeay-1.36nb1 Perl5 module for using OpenSSL
p5-IO-Socket-SSL-1.33nb1 Perl5 SSL socket interface class
p5-MIME-Base64-3.09nb1 Perl5 module for Base64 and Quoted-Printable encodings
p5-libwww-5.836nb1 Perl5 library for WWW access
system-tools-backends-2.6.1nb1 DBus interface for system configuration
liboobs-2.22.2 Lightweight GObject based interface to system-tools-backends
gnome-system-tools-2.22.2nb3 System administraton tools for the GNOME desktop
gnome-terminal-2.30.2nb1 Xterm like terminal program for GNOME 2
gtk2-engines-2.20.1nb1 Theme engines for GTK+ version 2
gnome-themes-2.30.2nb1 Collection of themes and icons for GNOME 2
gnome-user-docs-2.28.1 The GNOME 2 users guide
gnome-utils-2.30.0nb1 Set of useful GNOME2 utilities and applications
gok-2.28.1nb3 GNOME On-Screen Keyboard
flac-1.2.1nb1 Free lossless audio codec
libsndfile-1.0.21 Library for reading and writing audio files
fftw-3.2.2nb1 Collection of fast C routines to compute DFTs
libsamplerate-0.1.7 Sample rate converter library
speex-1.2rc1nb1 Open-source, patent-free voice codec
liboil-0.3.17 Library of simple, CPU-optimized functions
pulseaudio-0.9.21nb4 Sound server for POSIX and Win32 systems
gst-plugins0.10-pulse-0.10.25 Open source multimedia framework - pulse plugin
samba-3.0.37nb4 SMB/CIFS protocol server suite
libcddb-1.3.2 Library to access data on a CDDB server
libcdio-0.82 CD-ROM access library
gvfs-1.4.3nb2 Userspace virtual filesystem
py26-sqlite3-0 Built-in sqlite support for Python 2.5 and up
hamster-applet-2.28.1nb3 Time tracking applet for GNOME
libgail-gnome-1.20.1nb4 GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library
mousetweaks-2.28.1nb3 Mouse accessibility software
py26-at-spi-1.30.1nb2 Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
orca-2.28.1nb3 Screen reader
py26-gtksourceview-2.8.0nb2 Python bindings for gtksourceview2
gnome-mime-data-2.18.0 MIME and Application database for GNOME2
libksba-1.0.8 X.509 library
pth-2.0.7nb2 GNU Portable Thread library
libassuan-2.0.1 TODO: Short description of the package
dirmngr-1.1.0 X509 certificate and CRL downloader
curl-7.21.1 Client that groks URLs
pinentry-0.8.0 Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases
gnupg2-2.0.16nb1 GNUpg with OpenPGP and S/MIME capabilities
gpgme-1.1.8nb2 GnuPG Made Easy
seahorse-2.30.1nb1 GnuPG front end and bonobo component for GNOME
seahorse-plugins-2.28.1nb4 Plugins for the GnuPG front end and bonobo component for GNOME
gst-plugins0.10-flac-0.10.25 Open source multimedia framework - flac plugin
gst-plugins0.10-gio-0.10.30 Open source multimedia framework - gio plugin
automake14-1.4.6 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator (old version)
libwww-5.4.0nb9 The W3C Reference Library
xmlrpc-c-ss-1.06.40 Library for writing an XML-RPC server or client in C or C++
cmake-2.8.1nb1 Cross platform make
libdiscid-0.2.2 Library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDs
neon-0.29.3 HTTP and WebDAV client library
libmusicbrainz-3.0.2nb1 MusicBrainz (user-maintained community music metadatabase) library
taglib-1.6.3nb1 Library for accessing id tags in various media files
sound-juicer-2.28.2nb2 CD ripping tool
swfdec-0.8.4nb4 Library for rendering Flash(R) animations and games
swfdec-gnome-2.28.0nb2 Gnome flash player and thumbnailer using swfdec
mono-addins-0.5 Framework for creating extensible applications
ndesk-dbus-0.6.1anb3 C# implementation of dbus
ndesk-dbus-glib-0.4.1nb2 C# implementation of dbus - GLib integration
gtkspell-2.0.16nb1 Spell checking GtkTextView widget
tomboy-1.0.1nb4 Gnome desktop note application
gst-plugins0.10-soup-0.10.25 Open source multimedia framework - soup plugin
py26-cElementTree-0 C implementation of Python ElementTree API
py26-gdata-2.0.9 Google Data API Python client library
libgdata-0.6.4 Google Data API based Glib client library
totem-2.30.2nb3 Movie player for the GNOME Desktop (using GStreamer)
cyrus-sasl-2.1.23 Simple Authentication and Security Layer
gtk-vnc-0.3.10nb2 VNC viewer widget for GTK
vinagre-2.30.2nb1 VNC client for GNOME
vino-2.28.2nb1 VNC server for GNOME
iso8879-1986nb8 Character entity sets from ISO 8879:1986 (SGML)
docbook-4.4nb3 SGML DTD designed for computer documentation
xulrunner- XML User Interface Language runtime environment
yelp-2.30.1nb1 Help browser for GNOME 2 desktop
gnome-2.26.2nb2 Meta-package for the GNOME desktop
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